Georgiy Khokhlov


Georgiy Khokhlov was born on the 12th of October 1992 to a musical family in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. He began playing cello at the age of 7 at the renowned Uspensky Music School. Since then, he has studied and collaborated with many notable musicians from leading orchestras of the country. 

Mr. Khokhlov earned his Bachelor of Music degree at the Mannes Conservatory in New York City under the tutelage of Marcy Rosen while spending his summers at various musical festivals such as Bowdoin, Garth Newel Music Festival, Dali Music Festival, NYSMF, and Siena Summer Music Festival. During those years, he’s performed in a number of venues including Verizon Hall, Kravis Center, and Carnegie Hall. He also has taken part in contemporary music festivals such as New Music at the Point in Vermont and The New Music Chamber Ensemble in Boca Raton, Florida, where he’s collaborated with prominent composers Christopher Theofanidis and Evgeniy Sharlat.

Beyond New York City, Georgiy has studied with Alan Stepansky in Peabody Conservatory and David Cole in Lynn University. Curiously enough, along with Marcy Rosen, all of his teachers were once students of Curtis Institute. 

While working on his graduate studies, Mr. Khokhlov was a two-time winner of the Kosciuszko Foundation Chamber Music Competition.

Georgiy plays on an 1879 Herman Macklett cello, who is a notable maker of violins with virtually no cellos being made, apart from this instrument being played tonight.

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